Regular servicing of your caravan should pay off in the long run with greater reliability and improved resale value.
But there are safety and legal issues too. Every vehicle or trailer is required by law to be in a condition where is does not cause danger to anyone.
Some items you can and should check for yourself, such as tyres and lights, but the braking system and the electrical and gas items inside the habitation area are best left to us if you are not to risk your safety or that of others.
You have spent many thousands of pounds on your home-from-home. Do not squander this investment by skimping on regular servicing and maintenance. It will repay you in the long term.
Our Full Caravan Service is a comprehensive service that covers all areas of your caravan
This includes checking
- Coupling head & safety catch for wear (lubricate if required)
- Check and clean pads on ball acting stabiliser
- Condition & routing of breakaway cable & clips
- Operation of over run piston & lubricate
- Jockey wheel clean & lubricate
- Operation of handbrake & lubricate
- Brake rods, cables & supports
- Remove wheels & check tyres for wear, damage, age & pressure
- Remove brake drums & check bearings, seals & linings (clean & lubricate)
- Replace drums with new split pins or one shot nuts & torque to manufacturers settings
- Adjust brakes at drum & check free play in the linkages & at handbrake
- Condition & security of chassis & attachment to body
- Operation of suspension assemblies
- Corner steadies operation (& lubricate)
- Spare wheel carrier & folding step for operation & lubricate
Bodywork & Exterior
This includes checking
- Body panels
- Hinges & catches
- Security of all trims, inserts & sealants
- Door locks
- Windows & seals for damage
- Security of grab handles
Water System
This includes checking
- Operation & condition of water pump, pressure switch (adjust if required)
- Check condition of water inlet housing (replace water filter if requested)
- Check Taps & shower fittings
- Check Overall condition of fresh & waste water pipes & fittings
- Toilet condition including seal, blade & flush
- Drain plug seal
Gas Supply
This includes checking
- Regulator performance & carry out a leak test
- Condition & date of gas flexi hose (replace if required)
- Security of all gas pipe work
- LPG sticker on locker & security of gas bottles
- Gas dispersal holes for obstructions
- Operation of fridge ignition, FFD & cooling
- Operation of cooker, hob & oven, ignition, (FFD)
- Operation of space heater, ignition, flame, (FFD) & heating
- Operation of water heater, ignition, flame, (FFD) & heating
Fire & safety
This includes checking
- Condition of smoke alarm
- Condition of carbon monoxide alarm
- Fire extinguisers
- Fire blankets
Electrical systems 230V
This includes checking
- Condition of inlet plug & hook up cable
- Operation of RCD, MCB’s & earth bonding
- Wiring, sockets & fixed connection
- Battery charger
- Mains fridge
- Mains cooker & hob
- Mains water heater
- Mains space heater
Electrical Systems 12v
This includes checking
- Condition of 12N & 12S plugs & cables or 13 pin
- Condition & operation of road light & reflectors
- Wiring/sockets & fuses
- Functions of 12S / 13 pinsystem (charging, fridge, lights etc)
- Battery charger
- Condition of battery (clean & lubricate terminals)
- All 12V lights including awning light
- Blown air system
Damp Check
- Damp test with written report
all damp tests are completed with a state of the art non invasive moisture meter (so no pin holes in your wall boards)
if a high percentage is found then to get a more accurate reading we will have to re test the area with pins